Ghost 5.x compatible
Yoffa is a minimalist and fast ghost template. It's compatible with the latest version of Ghost.
Yoffa is built using modern web development tools and standards. Based on HTML5 & CSS3, Sass, Gulp, we made sure that customization is easy and anyone can do it. Attention to detail is another important aspect and every part of the theme was designed with this in mind to make sure the users have a nice experience using it.
Custom Theme settings
We have added support for the custom design settings feature, making it easier to change the style of the theme right from the Ghost Admin.
Fast & Lightweight
The theme weighing under 200KB makes sure your website will be loaded fast. This was tested with different services giving the following results:
- 99% performance grade on Google Page Speed
- 98% performance grade on Pingdom Tools Speed Test
Yoffa is one of the fastest Ghost themes on the Market.
Fully Responsive
Yoffa was designed with a mobile first approach and it works great on all display sizes, be it mobile, tablet or desktop.
Translation Support
Yoffa supports Ghost i18n for theme translation. There are a couple of language translations already present in the theme:
- German
- French
- Spanish
- Italian
- Portuguese
Check out the documentation on how to add a new language.
The search is performed as you type, enabling it requires to create an API key. And editing one of the theme files. Details can be found in the theme documentation.
Custom Pages
- Author Page
- Tag Page
- Contact Page
- Authors Page
- Tags Page
Subscription Form
Support for Ghosts Subscription Form, making it easy to grow your mailing list as well as switching it on/off.
Syntax Highlighting
Yoffa comes with Prism for syntax highlighting. Being already built in you don't have to worry about adding it to the theme. Using it it's really simple.
Related Posts
Related Posts assures you are suggesting relevant articles to your readers, making them more likely to stay on your website. Posts will be shown checking for common tags within posts.
Featured Posts
With the post layout you can have a featured posts section for your audience, simply by checking the featured post checkbox in the admin panel.
Native Comments
Yoffa has Native comments integrated, but if you want you can also use Disqus.
Other features:
- Clean Design
- Well structured and clean code.
- HTML5 and CSS3.
- Valid HTML/CSS.
- Feather icons.
- Google fonts.
- Post sharing.
The online documentation covers everything you need, starting from installing the theme to customizing it according to your needs. You will also find useful information for color customization as well as theme development if you want to do more advanced customization.
Feel free to reach out if you have any feedback or need
Twitter: @brightthemes_